... a message from Anna (Co-Director)
Oprah has inspired me my whole life. I grew up watching The Oprah Winfrey Show. It gave me insights into the experiences of people all over the world and taught me life lessons. There were many days spent watching episodes with a box of tissues and many days feeling inspired with success stories and new ideas of how to live a better life. Days alone as a new mother were lunchtimes daily on the couch with Oprah and a cup of tea - the highlight of my day. I think you get the idea – I love Oprah.
She gave me the love of books with Oprah’s Book Club. The joy of watching people ecstatically win giveaways or being in the audience of Oprah’s Favourite Things. Wildest Dreams would constantly turn on the waterworks, with people being gifted houses or meeting people that inspired them. The segments that included Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz were both a highlight as no one on TV was giving people the opportunity to learn more about their health or mental health. These were new concepts to TV and was google even around then? Remembering Your Spirit was one of the segments that moved me the most with stories that would have me on the edge of my seat. Oprah also introduced me to mindfulness and spirituality long before they were buzz words.
When she announced the end of her show, I was devastated at the thought of no longer having Oprah in my life. She had been in my whole life. I sound like a crazy fan girl, but if you would ask me who has had a profound impact on my life other than my parents, and grandmother I would without hesitation say Ms Oprah Winfrey.
The inspiration continued to grow deeper as I grew older even after her show was over with her own network launching Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Masterclass and Lifeclass. Not to mention the handful of books on our bookshelves. Her philanthropy work and the way she uses her wealth to pay it forward and help people makes me love her even more.
When she announced her Australian tour my sister was quick to buy me a ticket even though money was tight. “You can’t miss Oprah – you need to be there” We left the show that night full of hope for our business. Pushing our fear aside on the way home we decided we would try our luck at going to the USA to market our products. We walked over a bridge imagining one day we would create a journal collaboration with Oprah – we laughed about this. But we manifested it.
It was while in the USA at a trade fair we met her lovely editor who fell in love with our journals. We were asked to deliver a selection to the Hearst Tower on 8th Avenue filming a little boomerang out the front and crossing our fingers for a little editorial. Never in our wildest dreams years later we would be approached to actually work in collaboration with Oprah herself. Top of my life’s pinch me moments. But I am a huge believer – we put it out there, we did. We worked our hearts out on our business to achieve our dreams, arriving in New York crippled with anxiety about the money we spent to get there and would people even want our products?
I feel like you needed to understand her impact in my life to also understand the absolute unbelievable gratitude and honour we feel to be asked to celebrate 20 years of O, The Oprah Magazine with her. To produce products that inspire people to write their lives, dreams, goals, gratitude, blessings, mindset to live their best lives. To have all these beautiful moments handwritten in our Oprah journals to read back on, treasure and pass down to loved ones full of life lessons to be retold. To provide a way of recording your very own personal life memories.
Happy 20 years Oprah, here’s to many, many more. We are so thrilled to celebrate with you.